Wordless Wednesday. Pleione formosana.


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14 Responses to Wordless Wednesday. Pleione formosana.

  1. Beautiful flower. I’ve never come across that before.

  2. Flighty says:

    Like Sophie I’ve never come across this exotic looking plant before. xx

  3. Chloris says:

    This orchid lives in the unheated greenhouse in winter. I cover it with a pane of glass to protect it from mice and keep it dry.

  4. Tres exotique.(so exotic, I feel I need to comment in another language) D.

  5. I must agree with your other comments and reuse the word “exotic” . Stunning!

    • Chloris says:

      It is stunning but easy to look after if you have a greenhouse. I bought it on eBay and each year I buy a few more. Not bubils though, they are too fiddly.

  6. Cathy says:

    It’s perfect, Isn’t it? Does it need any attention when it is not flowering?

    • Chloris says:

      Pleiones are quite easy to care for. You keep them dry in winter in a cold greenhouse. I start watering in February when I see they have started growing. Watering has to be kept to the minimum until May when the leaves start to grow. If they are too wet the roots will rot. You feed them in the summer and keep them outside in a shady spot.
      I bought mine on eBay.

  7. rusty duck says:

    There was a chap who used to exhibit at Malvern, I think he stopped last year. I bought a number from him but never had much luck. I suspect I overwatered them. 😦

  8. Chloris says:

    It is easy to over- water them early in the season when they come into growth, I have done it myself. Also if you want to be sure of success try Pleione formosana, it is the easiest. Some of the others can be tricky. Maybe you tried difficult ones. I got mine off eBay.

  9. Alison says:

    There were several of these at the plant sale I went to on Friday. I was tempted, but afraid they might be too hard to care for. I should have bought one or two for the greenhouse. They seemed so exotic, but such a pretty flower.

  10. Chloris says:

    If you see them again then go for it. They are not difficult. You just have to be careful not to over water them.

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